Saturday, March 06, 2010

Well, it has been a mighty long time and MUCH has happened since last I wrote. To start off, we miscarried baby #5. He was brought into this world at a gestational age of 12 weeks. We named him Abram Woods. He was tiny and beautiful and is now in the arms of our Savior. We have also lost baby #6. We will not know whether this baby was a girl or a boy until we are called Home by our Heavenly Father. HOWEVER, we have officially gained a daughter!! Our dear girl, Faith, was officaially made our daughter on April 27th. She has been such a help to me and I thank God that He sent her to us. She is a wonderul daughter. I still have much to learn about being a mama...especially to a teenager! Most people get to grow into this role...we jumped into it--heart first! She and I are discovering all sorts of interesting things about, we both have control issues when we are working in the kitchen. We do things differently and like it our way...what can I say? Like mother, like daughter! I love her. We shall see if I can manage to keep up with this, this time...I really do enjoy it. It is a soothing balm in a way. God bless you all...whoever you may be.

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