Saturday, November 03, 2007

Long time, no post...

Well, our intention to keep this blog up and running...and up to date, has fallen by the wayside. It has been 4 months since our last post and many things have happened. The best and greatest is that our sweet little Blessing was born mid August! Yes, she was due August 2nd, but the Lord's timing is perfect. Even at 2 weeks + overdue she was only 6lbs. 13 oz. Had she been born on her due date or had she been delivered by scheduled c-section as originally planned, she would have been much smaller. We tried the VBAC but alas to no avail. The Lord had other plans for me.

I started to labor on a Friday at about 11:30 a.m. . That evening we drove up to the birthing center. At about midnight or so my water broke...but we didn't realize that it had, as there wasn't really any fluid. When my midwife came in that morning to check me she realized what had happened and that there was a lot of meconium present. Meconium in utero, if you don't know, is caused generally when a baby is under stress in the womb and passes a bowel movement. Meconium is the bowel's the yucky tar-ish stuff that babies pass until mama's milk comes in and flushes it out. Looking at the evidence, our little girl had been in it for several days. It was very thick and yucky. My midwife gave me 2 hours to show some progress in my labor. She said if there wasn't any progress we would have to look at our other options. Other options really meant c-section.
Well, 2 hours passed and progress. Inga, my midwife, left the room to go make a phone call to the hospital in C'dA. Now, here is where God's hand is so clearly evident!! At this time, my friend, doctor, and sister in Christ, Doctor B. was looking for a number on her caller ID. She couldn't find it, and never did. Every time she scrolled through, though, our pastor's cell number would catch her eye. She thought maybe she would give a call and see how my labor was going...I failed to mention that he and his wife were with us, lending moral and spiritual support!
My understanding is that she called just as Inga was going downstairs to call the hospital. Once on the phone, Pastor asked Dr. B if she would be able to do a c-section that day. She said that she would make some calls and get right back with him.
Imagine my surprise (and delight) when Inga came up to ask me if I would like to go back to home town and have Dr. B do my surgery!!!
Although I was saddened by the fact that I would not be able to deliver naturally, I was sooo grateful that the Lord had provided me with the opportunity to be surrounded by my family in Christ even while "under the knife."
I have to admit that there was a period there where I was fighting with myself and my emotions. I had wanted this so badly...but I wanted to be an obedient daughter and not fight my Father. He knows what is best for much more than I do. I really wanted to glorify Him...but, I had this struggle within myself because I wasn't getting what I wanted...I felt like I was 2 years old again. But, I digress...
Anyway, the surgery went on and our little Blessing was born at 2:22 p.m. on Saturday. God is so good! He placed His mighty hands on our little girl and kept her safe through the delivery. He kept her from asperating (that might be spelled wrong) any of the meconium, and drawing it into her lungs. He kept her safe in my womb and free from the infection that we found out later had been spreading through the placenta. He is so good and soo faithful!
God has also blessed me with a nearly painless recovery!

At 5 weeks old, our lil' Blessing came down with an unexplainable fever of 102.2. After running several tests to rule out things like a urinary tract infection, Dr. B decided to do a spinal tap to culture for menengitis. Gentle though they were, and try though they might the doctors had to stick our little girl 6 times before they were able to get a sample. There is nothing worse than standing by listening to your tiny baby scream in pain and not be able to do anything, including comfort her. The samples were contaminated by blood so preliminary tests were ruled null and void. We had to wait for the culture. Three days minimum in the hospital and hooked to an IV pumping antibiotics into a very tiny body.
The folks in our neck of the woods are amazing. Trust's boss told him to take whatever time he needed so that he could be at home with the boys while I was in the hospital with Blessing. You should understand that this had the potential of being 4-5 weeks if Blessing did in fact have menengitis.
Our Christian brothers and sisters rallied around us, not only in prayer but also coming to see us at the hospital and holding Blessing while Trust and I got a bite to eat or I got out and stretched my legs. Being confined in a quarentine room in a hospital is like being a prisoner in solitary confinement. Except you get a TV. I was reintroduced to TV at this time and am very thankful that we don't have that poison in our home. Even the commercials are revolting! We have a television set to watch movies if we'd like...but no stations. Again, I digress!
On our fourth afternoon in the hospital Blessing's IV popped out of her arm. The nurse looked at the sight and said it looked fine. They decided not to put a new one in right away. A half an hour later the doctor came in to tell me we were free to go! hmmmm.... might the Lord have been telling me something? I don't know. But it sure seemed like it!
I got on the phone to call me husband...I couldn't find him! Not anywhere! I was packed--ready to go home--NOW!! And I couldn't find him!
I was grabbing everything together and getting ready to lug everything into the waiting room when the door opened. There stood my knight in dusty Carharts! I love my husband. I missed my husband. And there he was! My heart leapt and I nearly burst into tears!
And what did I say to him? I love you? I've missed you? We can finally be a family, together at home again? Nope.
"Where have you been?!" I accused,"I've been trying to find you for the last 45 minutes!"
What a wife! Evidently, the Lord needs to work on my mouth.
The point of this story is this: God is good. All the time. Would He still be good if my baby had been ill with menengitis? Of course. I don't understand the why's and wherefor's of God. I don't need to. He is faithful. He is true. He is also wrathful and just. He is God. I love Him. I trust Him. I only wish to praise and glorify His name. He is so good to such a yucky little sinner like me...and He loves me even though I'm a yucky little sinner.
May the Blood of Christ cover you.
Love to all,

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Living on the Edge

Hopeful and Loyal at the new used organ that we got from some friends for free. The edge comes in on the increase in noise pollution in the house
Love you all

Sunday, June 10, 2007

June 10 update!

Onward Christian Soldier! Hopeful and Oliver take on a crusade against the Saracens.

Hopeful and Matilda Chasin Bubbles on a sunday afternoon

Good natured Loyal with matilda and little car in the back ground.
An actual still photo of Matilda!
Just a nice shot of the spring flowers in the front field. Its really beautiful...then all the noxious weeds come into bloom and its not so great.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Theology of Children

What a fancy way to say: what does God say about Children in His Word. This has been a topic that has been on our mind ALOT lately. The questions we had to ask were: how many, how often, with what attitude. We have a wife who has had 2 c sections who desperatly does not want another but is commited to doing both her husbands and especially her Lords will. Her husband would like nothing better than say: C section from here on out baby! But he realises his weakness in regards to listening to Medical science and paying attention to it. His wife would like to give V backs a chance in a safe hospital environment. Wanting to please my wife and trust in our lord, I am willing to move forward in a controlled manner and give V backs a chance...just on the possibility that we are not done having children but are in fact intended to have quite a few more.

With that said we have given away the obvious conclusin that we saw in scripture. God opens and closes the womb. Children are precious in his sight and we are told to be fruitful. There is also they parable of the talents or menas. How many gifts and responsibilities will our Father give me? What will I do with those gifts and how will they profit Him to His Glory. That is why we have indeed decided that now is not the time to seek a vasectomy or tubal ligation. My wife has been gifted with fertility in a time when so many around me are having trouble concieving. What would it be if I turned aside what they so desperatly desire. Our children are a treasure of Love and effort. Given by Our God and Father to the Glory of His Son Jesus, through the working and indwelling of His Holy Spirit in us. I could collect rifles and fishing gear have a nice place and be able to retire at a ripe age with a functioning body. No, I would rather wear this weak vessel out in service to Him and my Family.

Please pray as we look into how we may have a V-Back birth. To help me fight the fear of losing my precious wife in child birth. We both feel good about the decision to have as many children as He wants. I am struggling to feel good about defying doctors ( who i have listened to my whole life ) who state your "numbers" and without a doubt would rather schedule your delivery than wait to do it naturally. My wife is much braver than I and certainly more confident in alternative medicine.

Much continues to change in who we are, where God wants us to be.


Monday, April 30, 2007

A good book

Just thought I would make mention of an excellent book:
Where the Red fern Grows. I have not read a piece of fiction like this in a long time ... now some more photos....

The Boys...............

Me getting mauled by the naughty puppy while oliver ignores her..sorry cannot figure out how not to underline stuff

Saturday, April 28, 2007

whats happening latley: for our single fan

Hello all ( haha )
What has been happening: I have been planting trees ( or supervising ). Possibly the most boring job in the world. If it was not for my bible and things going wrong to cause a panic situation I would die from boredom. It is actually tough work b/c you spend all day in a clearcut walking and digging and watching etc etc. Hopeful and Loyal are doing well. As is my lovely bride. I have been trying to get her to come on and post, but it seems difficult to tear her away from 2 screaming children hahahah.

Some big news: we have a new addition to the family:

Meet Matilda! She is 1/2 anatolian shepard and 1/2 ??????. ?????? means that we could buy her for 50$ instead of the normal 700- 1000$ for a 100% anatolian. We are happy with our little girl who could grow quite big.Loyal is growing big and is starting to use some sign language.
Hopeful is Hopeful, trucks cars, horses with barns on fire ( reference : Black Beauty ) are on his brain as well as a dramatic increase in energy that comes with being a little boy! Amen to that!
With our Saviors Love,

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The beginning of critical thinking.

I am going to share something a little personal. Tonight as I lay tucking the boys into bed...i had...well some pretty bad gas. So Hopeful ever on the " watch " caught some bad odor and declared " Loyal pooped". I naturally laughed and said no Loyal did'nt poop. He stopped looked for a second and said " Poppa pooped " I couldnt help but laugh pretty hard. Its amazing to see the wheels clicking and the wonderful development of our children. Loyal is definatly understanding most of what we tell him and Lord bless him the little sinner is actively rebeling.
I would just ask for your prayers ( any who do read this ) my wife is off to visit her folks and swing by mine later, all by her lonesome pregnant with 2 kids. But with the help of a portable DVD from a friend I am hoping travel will be a breeze for her.
We are putting our Jeep up for sale as we have just bought a Black suburban we are nick naming the Dark Ark. In our typical nutty christian way-everything refers to our Lord and what we are about in some way.
Love you

Sunday, April 01, 2007

We have decided on a girls name

Since we have had no input we have decided to name our little girl Iliene Dover.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Well Ultra sound is done. Turns out the baby is progressing very nicely. As my wife likes to say there is no stem on the apple so it turns out we MOST probably have a girl. Any one have any suggestions for a name????? pipe up on the comments if you have one that you think would fit our family personality. Please pray for a healthy little girl. I am starting to really look forward to a child that I treat differently and treats me differently. Instead of tackling me, standing on my chest and face I will have a sweet little girl i get to cuddle and love on, who will be Mama's constant companion and protege on being a Godly woman and wife to some very blessed young man someday.
Lords Blessings to you all who come and visit and even those who don't

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Well here we are in March..I am spending the day home, because I have the hacking crud. So i thought I would update the ol blog.

Life has been getting back to what I would call normal. I went to a preaching conference and learned that the Holy Spirit utilizes sound bites/ the 2 parts of "ideas"/ and imagery to grab ahold of the audience. In fact if the Spirit does not grab them within 20 seconds in the intro they are lost to the boredom of a lecture as opposed to a soul winning sermon. I was encouraged in alot of ways but was also dissapointed in the worldly way in which sermons are approached. I think any subject spoken with conviction and passion for the Lord would reflect in an attentive audience.

Prior to the conference I had struggled quite a bit. I allowed Stress and work situations to affect my walk with God. It compromised my relationship with my wife, who has stayed ever faithful, by making nice at a moody and irratible Papa. I often felt like I had turned my back upon my God and Father. But in the end Gods timing is always perfect. I cannot see the total end result other than to realize my shortcomings and rely upon him a little more.

Went and saw our cousin get married. He was in his early 40's and has lived a life of training race horses. It was a true pleasure to see him find a woman who seems to suit him so well. We had the opportunity to see my sister and brother in law. They will be moving back up to the NW and he will be deployed to Iraq as a doctor within a helicopter battalion. We pray that Our Lords hand is upon him there and come what may, we will find Joy within His will.

I have been reading Doug Wilsons Future Men book. A convicting book on how we should raise our young boys into honoring brave and gentle Men. The Japanese had a similar idea in their warrior poets. As did the knights in days gone by. Chivalorous behavior, Men who would sacrifice all for the women in their lives. As I look into it I see and appreciate the beauty of a Man dedicated to the precious gem that God gave him. Dedicated to treating her with respect, honor, and compassion. God calls us as Men to lift our women up, we are responsible for their improvement. To teach them to Love our Lord, to show Gods love mercy and sacrifice to our wives by leading that example. To teach our sons these values of worth and esteem. To at one moment caress our wife and kiss our children and then face a bully.

It is fantastic to see that our God is a God not only of Love...but strength as well. Compromise is not a word associated with Jesus. He not once failed in his path to the cross. He not once stumbled. The burden was exhausting and immense, perhaps terrifying? but unflagging he continued as HE PLANNED and completed it. So we to are to present a defense. A standard for our sons and daughters and they will see it. Unflagging, uncompromising truth. Gods word. Uncompromising life. It is a high wall to set before me and you. It will be difficult and success will come through Christ. denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily. As our Lord said " He who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God" Not a whole lot to compromise there.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

This last week

Its been an odd but glorious week for me. I cannot describe the beginning of this week...just a wierd. As time goes by, the realization of how fortunate I am to have a job kind of dulls. What I was not at liberty to discuss before was that there had been quite a shake up at the company I work for. Some really good people were let go. Not one of us was other words I could easily have been looking for a job. But the Lord blessed me...and allowed our family to stay a little longer here in N.Idaho. I think He needs my wife and I to be more mature in our faith before opening us to the rest of the world. Idaho is rough enough for us now. Tuesday night we watched an EXCELLENT movie called " St. John in Exile"...its really a play that was filmed. The filming was great the acting, top notch. The message: encouraging and foundational. So wed. rolled around and I was riding the high that this movie encouraged within me to pray and praise to our Lord. I was determined to study while I worked as well. There I was memorizing verses while setting up a timber sale...singing and praising God..It was a rare instance..I mostly dont think to much in the woods..just run around and do my Job. I was in the middle of a verse of a hymn and I looked down and saw fresh fur and bones. Peeked around a tree and said "right ON!" The Lord allowed me to find this neat beauty. ( most of Saturday I worked on it to get it to look like this... bleah). Wed. Night at Mens bible study we were going through Hebrews, It was like when I was a new believer..Things clicked for me..I was anticipating what was going to be said before MacArthurs notes were even read. I was on fire. I came home and explained what I learned to my wife and then zonked out.It was a Fantastic night, one i hope I will not soon forget.So thursday came...working on the same timber sale started up a ridge line and was about to cross a road when a snow mobiler came by. He stopped and we talked...after a little conversation turns out he is a devout believer in another was very encouraging to be out in the woods and meet another person who abides in the words of our Saviour. Friday was friday and saturday I spent working on a head getting meat out of nooks and crannies and I spent it with my blossoming bride and our little Boys...We got on the lawn tractor and pulled sleds...I will include some photos of the family.
What am I trying to learn right now? How to pray more diligently. To memorize and meditate on the Word. To learn to Praise our Father not just say God is great...but say God is Awesome because He....
Praise God our merciful and Mighty redeemer. Who takes the damaged and fallen person and Universe and will make them whole. Who holds constellations in the Palm of His Hand. The strength of super novas, Suns, and Galaxies are nothing before Him. Yet we rely on our strength to solve our world. Placing Faith in governments to correct what the whole universe is straining under, The heavy wieght of sin. The impossible burden that seperates us from God who will not bear it in His presence. But because He loves us he gave us a way out of our Error. Jesus our Lord.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How much do I have to be thankful for?...Ummm everything.

The Lord is faithful and true. Not that if things had not worked out as they did that He would not be...its just He IS, and we have so much to be grateful for. Ask me sometime what He has done for us. I am not sure I am at liberty to publish anything right now. In time, I will answer this in detail on the post. But for now I thank Him for the life of He has given us and how if we are awake, wide eyed, open hearted....maybe we do not HAVE to go through trial to learn...maybe a good threat will get some of us to shape and mould as He would have us. Lord let that be true. Thank you Jesus!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Horses on the brain...

My husband suggested that I write something for the blog...y'know, it's can think of a million things that you're going to write about when you are nowhere near the computer, but you sit down and it's like there's a giant magnet that wipes your brain clean of all data.

I have horses on the brain. For those that know me, this is nothing unusual. I have a friend who likes to use the line,"Hi, my name is Judy...I have a problem." It is very true of those of us who are truelly afflicted by the horse-bug. We make rash decisions. We do really stupid stuff. WE ARE NOT RATIONAL!! We have a problem. And if it weren't for our loving, and oft times more practical, spouses...we would have large herds of these beasties, in no time flat.

I thank the Lord every day for my husband. He doesn't understand this horse-thing...but he's very patient with me about it. It used to trouble and upset him...because he knew that getting a horse at this point was just not a possibility, but I would be looking at all these ads and saying, "Wow, look at this one!" or "Oh, I like this one! He's cute!" He now understands that I am not pining for something that I can't have right now. Oh, I would love to have a horse hanging out in our pasture right now, I won't lie about that. And I was very disappointed when, recently, there was a possibility of owning, what sounds like, a really cool mare and we had to say 'no' because of finances. I was sad but recognized that it was out of selfishness. I wanted the horse and I couldn't have her. Having her would have meant putting a financial burden on my family that we just can't handle right now.

It may be that I might not ever be able to own another horse. Maybe not ever again. Who knows? Only God. And I thank Him for giving me this wonderful man who tries so hard to understand this 'horse-thing'. Praise God that I have a man who is strong enough to tell me 'no' when I want something material that has nothing to do with the eternal life and has everything to do with self gratification.

But those of us afflicted, can't help but daydream. We can't pass up that Nickel's Worth magazine with all the classified ads...we have to see what's for sale. We can't help but look while we're on online. It's not pining--though to some it may sound like it--we just can't help but look.

We have a problem.

Finding the Joy amidst various trials

What can I say, its tough.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It was suggested upon the advice of my brother in law to update the ol' blog. So, here we have a choice; The deep and meaningful discussion or...are we going to rave about our new sleep number bed and what our personal sleep #'s are? So that we do not make you stumble, my brethren, with a jealous heart, I will refrain from praising the inspiration God gave some guy who is now very wealthy. I could cover my recent adventure with the racoon on our porch. He was threatening our 2 cats..."Sunny" and "The Kill em'all Silvana". I released our dog," Oliver" to chase him off. The coon went one way... Oliver went the other. Needless to say, the coon will not return. Mwahahaha! At any rate some photos if nuthin else...Hopeful with KiKi meow meow

Loyal doing his best Calvin imitation from Calvin and Hobbes

Our beloved brother and sister, Brian and Julianne, gave us a series of tapes for Epiphany called " Back to Genesis" by Vision Forums. We have finished up tape 3 out of 7 and it is such very encouraging material. So far, we have learned how important it is to remain faithful to God's Literal Word and some of the dangers and mistakes that can be incurred when making comprimises for the sake of appearing to agree with secular "science". Tape 3 covers alot of evidence that supports the Bible's literal creation account, alot to do with discoveries made during Mt. St Helens. It has inspired my wife and I to start in again and do a study of the book of Genesis. The Genesis plan?? read it once through together. Then we are going to try and go through it piece by piece and concentrate on finding the character and person of our Father in the decisions and direction He led His people. We might need an actual study guide to help us do this so if anyone knows a good one for Genesis it would be helpful. At any rate, a couple web sites is: , and a more controversial one is .We are excited about the world that God is opening before us with eyes unvieled to the lie and illusion that we were under before. To wrap up; I am going to leave you with my memory best I can.
Psalm 1: 1-3 " Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of the sinner, nor sit in the seat of the scoffer. For his delight is in the Law of the Lord. And in His Law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree firmly planted by streams of flowing water. Yielding its fruit in its season, nor does its leaf wither. In whatever that he does he will prosper". This last line of course not necessarily refering to wealth. But in all things done for the Lord it will bear fruit. The fruit of righteousness, the fruit of our Father. Love
"Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ"

Monday, January 01, 2007

Some have asked us, "Why 'Trust' and 'Obey?'" Well, it's like this...Papa is Trust, 'cause as the holder of the position of Grand Puba, Leader of Our Home...he really has to put his faith and trust in the Lord and His Word. As head of the household he is looked to for protection, teaching, leadership (both spiritually and familially), guidence, support, and he is the sole financial supporter for our growing family. Who does he look to for guidence, but God? Who does he look to for protection, but God? All of those things and more...God is faithful and has promised "never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." He puts all his trust in our Father. That's why he's called Trust.

I am called Obey, because that is my goal in this life. I am trying to be as godly a wife and woman as I potentially can be. That means obeying not only God but my husband. That means submitting to the authority of both. If I submit to God than my submission as wife should automatically fall into line. No, this does not mean slavery. It means joyful servitude. I live to serve my God and my family. And I try to do it joyfully and with an obedient heart. But being human and a sinner, it's very hard to keep my heart cheerful and obedient. It's hard not to be selfish and throw tantrums when I don't get what I want or things don't go my way. But just like with our own children, God wants us to obey when He says 'no' or 'not yet' or 'that's not good for you.' We should not kick and scream in defiance...we should bow our heads and say 'Yes, Father, Your will, not mine, be done.' Thus I am Obey.
Our sons are Hopeful ( the eldest ) because we are hopeful for him. Loyal the younger boy displays that admirable trait everyday.

I know that all of this probably sounds very alien to some of you; but, we as a family have committed ourselves to God. In Him is where our hearts lie.
Love you all and God bless!