Sunday, April 08, 2007

The beginning of critical thinking.

I am going to share something a little personal. Tonight as I lay tucking the boys into bed...i had...well some pretty bad gas. So Hopeful ever on the " watch " caught some bad odor and declared " Loyal pooped". I naturally laughed and said no Loyal did'nt poop. He stopped looked for a second and said " Poppa pooped " I couldnt help but laugh pretty hard. Its amazing to see the wheels clicking and the wonderful development of our children. Loyal is definatly understanding most of what we tell him and Lord bless him the little sinner is actively rebeling.
I would just ask for your prayers ( any who do read this ) my wife is off to visit her folks and swing by mine later, all by her lonesome pregnant with 2 kids. But with the help of a portable DVD from a friend I am hoping travel will be a breeze for her.
We are putting our Jeep up for sale as we have just bought a Black suburban we are nick naming the Dark Ark. In our typical nutty christian way-everything refers to our Lord and what we are about in some way.
Love you

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