With that said we have given away the obvious conclusin that we saw in scripture. God opens and closes the womb. Children are precious in his sight and we are told to be fruitful. There is also they parable of the talents or menas. How many gifts and responsibilities will our Father give me? What will I do with those gifts and how will they profit Him to His Glory. That is why we have indeed decided that now is not the time to seek a vasectomy or tubal ligation. My wife has been gifted with fertility in a time when so many around me are having trouble concieving. What would it be if I turned aside what they so desperatly desire. Our children are a treasure of Love and effort. Given by Our God and Father to the Glory of His Son Jesus, through the working and indwelling of His Holy Spirit in us. I could collect rifles and fishing gear have a nice place and be able to retire at a ripe age with a functioning body. No, I would rather wear this weak vessel out in service to Him and my Family.
Please pray as we look into how we may have a V-Back birth. To help me fight the fear of losing my precious wife in child birth. We both feel good about the decision to have as many children as He wants. I am struggling to feel good about defying doctors ( who i have listened to my whole life ) who state your "numbers" and without a doubt would rather schedule your delivery than wait to do it naturally. My wife is much braver than I and certainly more confident in alternative medicine.
Much continues to change in who we are, where God wants us to be.
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