Well, our intention to keep this blog up and running...and up to date, has fallen by the wayside. It has been 4 months since our last post and many things have happened. The best and greatest is that our sweet little Blessing was born mid August! Yes, she was due August 2nd, but the Lord's timing is perfect. Even at 2 weeks + overdue she was only 6lbs. 13 oz. Had she been born on her due date or had she been delivered by scheduled c-section as originally planned, she would have been much smaller. We tried the VBAC but alas to no avail. The Lord had other plans for me.
I started to labor on a Friday at about 11:30 a.m. . That evening we drove up to the birthing center. At about midnight or so my water broke...but we didn't realize that it had, as there wasn't really any fluid. When my midwife came in that morning to check me she realized what had happened and that there was a lot of meconium present. Meconium in utero, if you don't know, is caused generally when a baby is under stress in the womb and passes a bowel movement. Meconium is the bowel movement...it's the yucky tar-ish stuff that babies pass until mama's milk comes in and flushes it out. Looking at the evidence, our little girl had been in it for several days. It was very thick and yucky. My midwife gave me 2 hours to show some progress in my labor. She said if there wasn't any progress we would have to look at our other options. Other options really meant c-section.
Well, 2 hours passed and nada...no progress. Inga, my midwife, left the room to go make a phone call to the hospital in C'dA. Now, here is where God's hand is so clearly evident!! At this time, my friend, doctor, and sister in Christ, Doctor B. was looking for a number on her caller ID. She couldn't find it, and never did. Every time she scrolled through, though, our pastor's cell number would catch her eye. She thought maybe she would give a call and see how my labor was going...I failed to mention that he and his wife were with us, lending moral and spiritual support!
My understanding is that she called just as Inga was going downstairs to call the hospital. Once on the phone, Pastor asked Dr. B if she would be able to do a c-section that day. She said that she would make some calls and get right back with him.
Imagine my surprise (and delight) when Inga came up to ask me if I would like to go back to home town and have Dr. B do my surgery!!!
Although I was saddened by the fact that I would not be able to deliver naturally, I was sooo grateful that the Lord had provided me with the opportunity to be surrounded by my family in Christ even while "under the knife."
I have to admit that there was a period there where I was fighting with myself and my emotions. I had wanted this so badly...but I wanted to be an obedient daughter and not fight my Father. He knows what is best for me...so much more than I do. I really wanted to glorify Him...but, I had this struggle within myself because I wasn't getting what I wanted...I felt like I was 2 years old again. But, I digress...
Anyway, the surgery went on and our little Blessing was born at 2:22 p.m. on Saturday. God is so good! He placed His mighty hands on our little girl and kept her safe through the delivery. He kept her from asperating (that might be spelled wrong) any of the meconium, and drawing it into her lungs. He kept her safe in my womb and free from the infection that we found out later had been spreading through the placenta. He is so good and soo faithful!
God has also blessed me with a nearly painless recovery!
At 5 weeks old, our lil' Blessing came down with an unexplainable fever of 102.2. After running several tests to rule out things like a urinary tract infection, Dr. B decided to do a spinal tap to culture for menengitis. Gentle though they were, and try though they might the doctors had to stick our little girl 6 times before they were able to get a sample. There is nothing worse than standing by listening to your tiny baby scream in pain and not be able to do anything, including comfort her. The samples were contaminated by blood so preliminary tests were ruled null and void. We had to wait for the culture. Three days minimum in the hospital and hooked to an IV pumping antibiotics into a very tiny body.
The folks in our neck of the woods are amazing. Trust's boss told him to take whatever time he needed so that he could be at home with the boys while I was in the hospital with Blessing. You should understand that this had the potential of being 4-5 weeks if Blessing did in fact have menengitis.
Our Christian brothers and sisters rallied around us, not only in prayer but also coming to see us at the hospital and holding Blessing while Trust and I got a bite to eat or I got out and stretched my legs. Being confined in a quarentine room in a hospital is like being a prisoner in solitary confinement. Except you get a TV. I was reintroduced to TV at this time and am very thankful that we don't have that poison in our home. Even the commercials are revolting! We have a television set to watch movies if we'd like...but no stations. Again, I digress!
On our fourth afternoon in the hospital Blessing's IV popped out of her arm. The nurse looked at the sight and said it looked fine. They decided not to put a new one in right away. A half an hour later the doctor came in to tell me we were free to go! hmmmm.... might the Lord have been telling me something? I don't know. But it sure seemed like it!
I got on the phone to call me husband...I couldn't find him! Not anywhere! I was packed--ready to go home--NOW!! And I couldn't find him!
I was grabbing everything together and getting ready to lug everything into the waiting room when the door opened. There stood my knight in dusty Carharts! I love my husband. I missed my husband. And there he was! My heart leapt and I nearly burst into tears!
And what did I say to him? I love you? I've missed you? We can finally be a family, together at home again? Nope.
"Where have you been?!" I accused,"I've been trying to find you for the last 45 minutes!"
What a wife! Evidently, the Lord needs to work on my mouth.
The point of this story is this: God is good. All the time. Would He still be good if my baby had been ill with menengitis? Of course. I don't understand the why's and wherefor's of God. I don't need to. He is faithful. He is true. He is also wrathful and just. He is God. I love Him. I trust Him. I only wish to praise and glorify His name. He is so good to such a yucky little sinner like me...and He loves me even though I'm a yucky little sinner.
May the Blood of Christ cover you.
Love to all,
At 5 weeks old, our lil' Blessing came down with an unexplainable fever of 102.2. After running several tests to rule out things like a urinary tract infection, Dr. B decided to do a spinal tap to culture for menengitis. Gentle though they were, and try though they might the doctors had to stick our little girl 6 times before they were able to get a sample. There is nothing worse than standing by listening to your tiny baby scream in pain and not be able to do anything, including comfort her. The samples were contaminated by blood so preliminary tests were ruled null and void. We had to wait for the culture. Three days minimum in the hospital and hooked to an IV pumping antibiotics into a very tiny body.
The folks in our neck of the woods are amazing. Trust's boss told him to take whatever time he needed so that he could be at home with the boys while I was in the hospital with Blessing. You should understand that this had the potential of being 4-5 weeks if Blessing did in fact have menengitis.
Our Christian brothers and sisters rallied around us, not only in prayer but also coming to see us at the hospital and holding Blessing while Trust and I got a bite to eat or I got out and stretched my legs. Being confined in a quarentine room in a hospital is like being a prisoner in solitary confinement. Except you get a TV. I was reintroduced to TV at this time and am very thankful that we don't have that poison in our home. Even the commercials are revolting! We have a television set to watch movies if we'd like...but no stations. Again, I digress!
On our fourth afternoon in the hospital Blessing's IV popped out of her arm. The nurse looked at the sight and said it looked fine. They decided not to put a new one in right away. A half an hour later the doctor came in to tell me we were free to go! hmmmm.... might the Lord have been telling me something? I don't know. But it sure seemed like it!
I got on the phone to call me husband...I couldn't find him! Not anywhere! I was packed--ready to go home--NOW!! And I couldn't find him!
I was grabbing everything together and getting ready to lug everything into the waiting room when the door opened. There stood my knight in dusty Carharts! I love my husband. I missed my husband. And there he was! My heart leapt and I nearly burst into tears!
And what did I say to him? I love you? I've missed you? We can finally be a family, together at home again? Nope.
"Where have you been?!" I accused,"I've been trying to find you for the last 45 minutes!"
What a wife! Evidently, the Lord needs to work on my mouth.
The point of this story is this: God is good. All the time. Would He still be good if my baby had been ill with menengitis? Of course. I don't understand the why's and wherefor's of God. I don't need to. He is faithful. He is true. He is also wrathful and just. He is God. I love Him. I trust Him. I only wish to praise and glorify His name. He is so good to such a yucky little sinner like me...and He loves me even though I'm a yucky little sinner.
May the Blood of Christ cover you.
Love to all,