Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ode to the Primer Clan

I have to thank the Primer family...after all, we're following in their footsteps...well, we're copying them. They have been a big influence in our lives since we came to know Jesus. The Primers have been a wonderful mentoring family. They have opened our eyes to things that we've needed to correct within our lives and our growing family. AND They introduced us to family blogs. Then, they set one up themselves. So, we got to thinking, 'Hey, why not? It might be kinda fun.' And, here we are...very possibly boring you to tears. But, as my husband mentioned, we're doing this because, well, it's an easy way for our families to keep up with what we're doing...we're forever forgetting to tell someone in the family something important. We can now shift the blame. "Well, it's on the blog...haven't you been checking the blog?" You see how nicely that works? It's also a great way to testify to others about our Lord and Savior. Of course, there's also just the plain ol' journalling of our lives. And because we live such exciting lives, we know that you are gripping the edge of your seat right now. Personally, I love to write. As a child, I always thought that I'd grow up to be an author...unfortunately, I don't write as well as I did in my imagination. But, I digress.

Anyway...thank you to the Primers! Not only for family blogs, but for helping us walk the straight and narrow path to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Julianne Primer said...

May Jesus Christ be Praised!!! We praise God for the great work He has accomplished in the lives of the Berard family. It is He that calls, justifies and sanctifies. It is a priviledge to be a part of what He is doing in the rural villages of Northern Idaho!!

The Taylor's said...

I love you guys. The babies sure have grown! They are such handsome little men! We are so proud of everything you two have accomplished in past few years and are thankful you are happy together. We send our love and prayers your way and we sure do love you guys. Have a wonderful holiday season. Bless your sweet little family.

Marisa, Chase and the Kiddos