Well here we are in March..I am spending the day home, because I have the hacking crud. So i thought I would update the ol blog.
Life has been getting back to what I would call normal. I went to a preaching conference and learned that the Holy Spirit utilizes sound bites/ the 2 parts of "ideas"/ and imagery to grab ahold of the audience. In fact if the Spirit does not grab them within 20 seconds in the intro they are lost to the boredom of a lecture as opposed to a soul winning sermon. I was encouraged in alot of ways but was also dissapointed in the worldly way in which sermons are approached. I think any subject spoken with conviction and passion for the Lord would reflect in an attentive audience.
Prior to the conference I had struggled quite a bit. I allowed Stress and work situations to affect my walk with God. It compromised my relationship with my wife, who has stayed ever faithful, by making nice at a moody and irratible Papa. I often felt like I had turned my back upon my God and Father. But in the end Gods timing is always perfect. I cannot see the total end result other than to realize my shortcomings and rely upon him a little more.
Went and saw our cousin get married. He was in his early 40's and has lived a life of training race horses. It was a true pleasure to see him find a woman who seems to suit him so well. We had the opportunity to see my sister and brother in law. They will be moving back up to the NW and he will be deployed to Iraq as a doctor within a helicopter battalion. We pray that Our Lords hand is upon him there and come what may, we will find Joy within His will.
I have been reading Doug Wilsons Future Men book. A convicting book on how we should raise our young boys into honoring brave and gentle Men. The Japanese had a similar idea in their warrior poets. As did the knights in days gone by. Chivalorous behavior, Men who would sacrifice all for the women in their lives. As I look into it I see and appreciate the beauty of a Man dedicated to the precious gem that God gave him. Dedicated to treating her with respect, honor, and compassion. God calls us as Men to lift our women up, we are responsible for their improvement. To teach them to Love our Lord, to show Gods love mercy and sacrifice to our wives by leading that example. To teach our sons these values of worth and esteem. To at one moment caress our wife and kiss our children and then face a bully.
It is fantastic to see that our God is a God not only of Love...but strength as well. Compromise is not a word associated with Jesus. He not once failed in his path to the cross. He not once stumbled. The burden was exhausting and immense, perhaps terrifying? but unflagging he continued as HE PLANNED and completed it. So we to are to present a defense. A standard for our sons and daughters and they will see it. Unflagging, uncompromising truth. Gods word. Uncompromising life. It is a high wall to set before me and you. It will be difficult and success will come through Christ. denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily. As our Lord said " He who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God" Not a whole lot to compromise there.